Ọbụna ezé: dayameta okirikiri pitch gbakwunyere dayameta rola, ezé adịghị mma, dayameta okirikiri okirikiri D*COS(90/Z)+Dr. Dayameta nke roller bụ dayameta nke rollers na yinye. Dayameta kọlụm atụ bụ ihe enyemaka eji atụ omimi mgbọrọgwụ ezé nke sprocket. Ọ bụ cylindrical ma buru ibu ka dayameta rola. A na-eji kọlụm nha nha nha anya iji tụọ omimi mgbọrọgwụ eze. data nha.
Ozi agbakwunyere:
Dị ka usoro meshing dị iche iche si dị, enwere ike kewaa ya n'ime mpụta mpụta gburugburu pin toothed chains na Hy-Vo toothed chains, internal meshing round pin toothed chains na Hy-Vo toothed chains, internal and external compound meshing round pin toothed chains and Hy-Vo yinye nwere eze, n'ime-mpụta ngwakọta meshing + ime nchikota okirikiri pin toothed yinye, n'usoro ahaziri n'usoro mpụta ntupu + ime-mpụta ogige meshing okirikiri pin toothed yinye na Hy-Vo yinye eze;
Dị ka ihe owuwu nke efere ntụ ntụ ntụ ntụ, enwere ike kewaa ya n'ime ntụ ntụ ntụ ntụ na n'ime ndu eze; dị ka udi nke eze yinye ndu efere, ọ nwere ike ekewa n'ime nkịtị ndu efere toothed yinye na urukurubụba ndu efere toothed yinye;
Dị ka usoro mgbakọ nke eriri ezé, ọ nwere ike kewaa n'ime ụgbụ nke ezé na-enweghị akwụkwọ mmiri na-acha akwụkwọ ndụ akwụkwọ ndụ; n'usoro agbụ eze nwere eze Hy0-V. Dị ka udi nke yinye efere oghere na udi nke pin aro, ọ nwere ike kewaa Hy-Vo toothed yinye na okirikiri ntụaka oghere na-abụghị okirikiri (apple-ekara. Ogologo n'úkwù ekara oghere ntụ Hy-Vo toothed). yinye.
Maka yinye eze nwere sprockets. Dị ka ụdị nha nha dị iche iche si dị, enwere ike kewaa ya n'ime oghere ndị na-enweghị isi, ogologo ahịrị ahịrị sprocket, arc toothed sprocket, wdg; dị ka ụdị nnyefe dị iche iche si dị, enwere ike kewaa ya n'ime otu ahịrị sprocket, okpukpu abụọ, na ọtụtụ ahịrị. Sprockets, wdg; dị ka ụdị dị iche iche nke n'ọnụ ọnụ eze arcs, ọ nwere ike kewaa n'ime ndị na-adịghị elu ịkpụ sprockets na n'elu-cut sprockets;
Dị ka ihe owuwu nke efere ntụ ntụ ntụ ntụ, enwere ike kewaa ya n'ime ntụ ntụ ntụ na n'ime sprocket ndu; dị ka usoro nhazi nke sprocket si dị, enwere ike kewaa ya na hobbing sprocket, milling sprocket, shaper sprocket, powder metallurgy sprocket, wdg.
Oge nzipu: Ọgọst-26-2023