Hoe skjinmeitsje de fytsketting

Fytsketten kinne skjinmakke wurde mei dieselbrânstof. Bereid in passende hoemannichte diesel en in lap, dan stipe de fyts earst, dat is, set de fyts op 'e ûnderhâldsstand, feroarje de kettingring nei in medium of lyts kettingring, en feroarje it flywheel nei it middelste gear. Adjust the bike so that the lower part of the chain is as parallel to the ground as possible. Then use a brush or rag to wipe off some of the mud, dirt, and dirt from the chain first. Then soak the rag with diesel, wrap part of the chain and stir the chain to let the diesel soak the entire chain.
Nei't it sa'n tsien minuten sitte litten hat, wrapje de ketting wer mei in doek, mei in bytsje druk op dit stuit, en roer dan de ketting om it stof op 'e keatling skjin te meitsjen. Because diesel has a very good cleaning function.
Then hold the handle tightly and slowly turn the crank counterclockwise. Nei ferskate bochten sil de ketting skjinmakke wurde. If necessary, add new cleaning fluid and continue cleaning until the chain is clean. Hold the handle with your left hand and turn the crank with your right hand. Beide hannen moatte krêft útoefenje om in lykwicht te berikken, sadat de ketting soepel kin draaie.
It kin wêze lestich te begripen de krêft as jo earst begjinne te brûken it, en do kinst net by steat wêze om te lûken it, of de keatling wurdt lutsen fuort út 'e chainring, mar it sil better as jo krije wend oan it. When cleaning, you can turn it a few times to try to clean the gaps. Then use a rag to wipe off all the cleaning fluid on the chain and dry it as much as possible. After wiping, place it in the sun to dry or air-dry. The chain can only be oiled after it is completely dry.

bêste roller ketting

Post tiid: Sep-16-2023